Sky Thomas, Layla Whitney and LaRyah Brooks won the Quilt Project
The University Academy geometry classes recently finished their first ever quilt project where students designed their own quilt blocks. Led by Mrs. Mallory Skinner, the high school geometry and Algebra II teacher, the project aimed for students to have fun while working on and expanding their knowledge on topics like geometric transformations, area and angle measures.
Students had five days in class to work on the quilt project in groups of three or four. Each group was tasked with creating a nine patch quilt block, with three rows of three squares, that incorporated different geometry concepts like reflections and rotations.
“I wanted students to see how geometry gets put to work in the real world in a setting that was not architecture or engineering, which are probably the most common real-world connections for the topic,” Mrs. Skinner said. “This gave an insight into how geometry gets used even down to the design and fabrication of the clothes we wear!”
Once all the quilt blocks were completed, staff and students voted for which design they liked the best. A group of sophomores including Sky Thomas, Layla Whitney and LaRyah Brooks earned the most votes and won with their quilt block titled, “Fruit Bowl.”
Sky Thomas, one of the winners, said she is most proud of the fact that her team was able to finish and win after starting over three times. Despite that, they pushed through and finished on time.
“The most difficult part for me was just trying to figure out what to make,” Thomas said. “I didn’t want to be bossy because I had so many ideas, but my team was okay with everything.”
After the voting was finalized, the students were all surprised when they found out who won. All Upper School students and staff, all the way up to the superintendent, Mrs. Rebecca Gudde, voted. Mrs. Skinner found that everyone taking the time out of their busy schedules to vote was both exciting and memorable.
“It was really fun to have [students] watch the final designs come together and then get to vote on their favorites,” she said.
She hopes to bring back the quilt project next year with a few changes worked in. Mrs. Skinner plans on including more instructional time throughout the project rather separating the math lessons from the project work.
“I hope to extend the project over more time and break it into more bite-size moments that lead to the final product,” Mrs. Skinner said. “I would also love to get the students involved in the construction of the actual quilt, meaning introducing sewing into our geometry classroom!”
The winning quilt design will be coming to life in the near future. Mrs. Skinner is currently working on sewing a 67-inch square quilt based on the winning “Fruit Bowl” pattern so it can be on full display in her classroom.
Maybe next year, students will even be able to participate in sewing their own quilt design.