I enjoyed opening gifts with my kids. -Mr. Carr
My favorite Christmas memory is when me, my sister, my dog and I were young and it had just snowed. -Kenon Lofton
My dad and I packed a bunch of my old clothes I didn’t really use and shoes, while also getting new ones, and gave them to people who maybe couldn’t afford it or didn’t have a present. -Elijah Bruce
My personal favorite memory from Christmas was from when I was around 8. I woke up one morning, and there were a bunch of gifts under the tree. I got this toy I wanted for the longest time, and it made my day. Then after that, I went to my grandparents’ house, and they got me a laptop, which is crazy because, you know, I was only 8. –Kelvin Hill
My favorite memory is when all my immediate family and I spent the night with each other over at my uncle’s and woke up all together on Christmas, had breakfast together, and opened our presents together. -Raven Kemp
By best Christmas memory is when I woke up and had received everything that I asked for. … I even took advantage of it snowing and went out to a couple of my neighbors’ houses and shoveled their snow for some money. … I really enjoyed that Christmas. -Cameron McFarlin
My favorite memory at Christmas is my mom singing us Christmas carols in the car when we went places I liked—to the farm and stuff. –Mr. A
My favorite Christmas memory is from a few years ago having all my siblings and parents together for Christmas. We made gingerbread houses, listened to Christmas music, and just enjoyed each other’s company! -Ms. Boyd
My favorite Christmas memory was actually last year when I took myself to Oak Park and splurged and then went to my sister’s house and watched Christmas movies with my nieces. -Laron Dyer
My favorite memory is when my family all got together in one house and spent all day together opening presents, eating and laughing together all day. -Givanni Atkins