Ms. Farr stopped to smile with eighth graders Nylah Gregory, Caydence Shyne and Meihayah Sloan.
Who’s Ms. Farr? For anyone who doesn’t know, this article is just for you.
Ms. Farr came to University Academy in 2004. She came to UA specifically because she wanted to teach and be surrounded by people who look like her so she could help them understand that they can do great things in science—learning and understanding it.
There are specific reasons why Ms. Farr has stayed at UA for so long.
“I just absolutely fell in love with the culture of UA, with the staff that was there at the time … everybody was so welcoming and helpful,” she said.
Being at UA has come with lots of lovely memories for her. Some of those memories include past students coming back and telling her that her teaching has helped them in life.
“Anything that puts a smile on a student’s face, makes them feel warm and fuzzy, helps them learn, and then helps them with life,” she said.
Lots of students love Ms. Farr and cherish her presence. Nylah Gregory is an eighth grader who loves Ms. Farr dearly and has become close with her.
“I love how just on certain things that she listens to me on a different level and understands me, especially when it comes to something personal,” she said.
Everyone gets stressed on school days from time to time, and Ms. Farr has ways to cool herself after a loaded day at work. She goes outside because she said sitting on her porch and listening to her wind chimes helps her de-stress. She also enjoys going to the zoo and is thinking about trying out some hiking trails in Kansas City.
On her days off from school, Ms. Farr goes to new restaurants. She also travels to the zoo because she has the time to be by herself.
Another thing Ms. Farr likes to do on her time off school is travel. Ms. Farr loves the continent of Africa. She would like to revisit Hawaii, visit the Maldives and places where she can see the things that she teaches about.
For anyone who has ever wondered if Ms. Farr is a loner or a group person, her answer might be surprising. Ms. Farr said she is actually a loner. As social as she is, it might be surprising to hear her response. Being a teacher does not allow her to follow her loner tendencies, which is why she often enjoys going to the zoo on her own when school is out.
Even though she is an introvert, Ms. Farr said she absolutely loves her job. Her favorite thing about it is the sense of community she feels with her co-workers. She also thinks that the sense of community and love she feels from her students is truly important.
Ms. Farr has been at UA for a long time. If you don’t know her too well yet, hopefully you will have a chance to get to know her better.